21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
Fasting is a spiritual practice found in Christianity. In the Bible, fasting is often presented as a way to draw closer to God and seek His guidance and protection.
What is Fasting?
Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food for a specific period of time. In the biblical context, fasting is a way to humble oneself before God, acknowledging our dependence on Him above our physical needs.
Why Fast?
Fasting is done for various reasons. In the Bible, we see that fasting is often associated with repentance (Jonah 3:5), seeking God's guidance (Ezra 8:21), and as an expression of mourning (2 Samuel 1:12). In the context of our congregation, we are fasting to seek a move and revival of the Holy Spirit, for the destruction of every attack of the devil, for victory over the conflicts that are lived, and for spiritual growth and maturity. In other word, JESUS BE THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING.
How to Fast?
Fasting can take several forms. Some people choose to abstain from all meals, while others may opt for a partial fast, where certain foods are eliminated or eating is only done at certain times of the day. The specific form of the fast can vary, but the goal is the same: to turn attention away from physical needs to focus on prayer and communion with God.
Steps for Partial Fast
- Preparation: Before starting the fast, it's important to prepare both physically and spiritually. Physically, you can start reducing the amount of food you eat a few days before the fast. Spiritually, spend time in prayer and meditation, preparing yourself for the time you will spend seeking God.
- Determine the Type of Fasting: For a partial fast, you can choose to abstain from certain types of foods, such as meats and sweets, or you can opt to eat only during certain hours of the day.
- Time of Prayer and Meditation: During the fast, dedicate time each day to prayer and meditation. This is a time to seek God and listen to His voice.
- Community and Accountability: Share your commitment to fast with others in the congregation. We can support each other and pray together during this time.
- Breaking the Fast: At the end of the fast, gradually introduce solid foods back into your diet. Give thanks to God for His guidance and sustenance during the fast.
What Should Be Done During Fasting
During fasting, you should dedicate time to prayer and meditation, seeking God's guidance. You should avoid the temptation to fill the time with worldly distractions. In physical terms, it's important to stay hydrated and rest adequately.
Biblical Foundations
Here are some biblical references about fasting:
• Matthew 6:16-18 - Jesus teaches about correct fasting.
• Ezra 8:21-23 - Ezra proclaims a fast to seek God's protection.
• Acts 13:2-3 - The church in Antioch fasts and prays before sending Barnabas and Saul.
• Isaiah 58:6-7 - Isaiah speaks about true fasting, which includes acting justly.
• Ezra 8:21-23 - Ezra proclaims a fast to seek God's protection.
• Acts 13:2-3 - The church in Antioch fasts and prays before sending Barnabas and Saul.
• Isaiah 58:6-7 - Isaiah speaks about true fasting, which includes acting justly.
I hope this teaching is helpful to you and guides you in your time of fasting. Remember, fasting is not simply about abstaining from food, but about seeking God and His direction in our lives.
What Fasting is NOT and What Should NOT Be Done
- It's Not a Negotiation Tool: Fasting is not a way to manipulate God to get what we want. It's not a negotiation tool, but a time to humble ourselves and seek God.
- It's Not to Impress Others: Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:16-18 that we should not fast to be seen by others. We should not seek human recognition for our fasting. Instead, our fasting should be an act of private devotion to God.
- It's Not an Excuse for Injustice: In Isaiah 58:6-7, the prophet Isaiah criticizes those who fast but ignore the needs of the poor and oppressed. True fasting, Isaiah says, involves acting justly and caring for the needy.
- It's Not a License to Fight and Argue: Isaiah also criticizes those who fast but continue to fight and argue (Isaiah 58:4). Fasting should not be an excuse for sinful behavior.
- It's Not a Cause for Pride: We should not boast about our fasting or consider it a sign of spiritual superiority. Fasting is a humble practice that reminds us of our dependence on God.
- It's Not a Substitute for Obedience to God: Fasting is not a substitute for obedience to God. We cannot use fasting to excuse disobedience in other areas of our life.
I hope this list helps you better understand what should not be done during fasting. Remember, fasting is not simply about abstaining from food or dieting, but about seeking God and His direction in our lives.
In addition to what we've already discussed, here are some other things you might consider when planning and carrying out a fast:
- Be Clear on Purpose: Before beginning fasting, it helps to have a clear purpose in mind. Are you looking for guidance for a specific decision? Are you looking for a spiritual revival? Are you interceding for a specific person or situation? Having a clear purpose can help you stay focused during fasting. Use the fasting and prayer calendar as a guide to define your purpose daily.
- Plan Specific Prayer Times: During the fast, it's helpful to have specific prayer times each day. These can be times when you withdraw to pray and seek God without distractions.
- Consider Including Scripture: Reading and meditating on Scripture can be a valuable part of fasting. You can choose specific passages that relate to the purpose of your fast to meditate on during this time.
- Self-Care: Make sure to take care of your body during the fast. Stay hydrated and rest adequately. If you have any medical conditions, consult a doctor before starting the fas.
- Post-Fast Reflection: After the fast, spend time reflecting on what you've learned and experienced:
- How has your relationship with God changed?
- How has God guided you during this time?
- Reflection can help you apply what you've learned during the fast to your daily life.
Remember, fasting is a personal spiritual practice, and each person may experience it differently. The most important thing is to seek God and His direction during this time.